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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


The March for Life is an annual, peaceful protest on legalized abortion in the United States. Held in Washington D.C., the March is open to all. People come from all over to march and stand up for life. Many come from across the country with their church or youth group. The attendance has significantly increased since the first March.

It is the Catholic Church’s belief that abortion is wrong and an act of killing life. This is taught and expressed as truth in the Church. By participating in the March for Life, “man can freely search for the truth, express his opinion and publish it.” Many come together and March publicly to express this belief. This truth is expressed in not only the attendance at the march, but also the signs protestors hold and the chants they yell. The Church is able to spread this message or truth to the country through a peaceful march around the capital. However, just as people protest as prolife, there are counter protestors at the March expressing their opinion and stance as prochoice. Through both protests and counter protests, we can freely search for truth.  

 Other values towards the development of culture that Gaudium et Spes mentions include, “the responsibility of experts to aid and even protect man, and the desire to make the conditions of life more favorable for all, especially for those who are deprived of the opportunity to exercise responsibility.” Many who march feel they are protecting and standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. The lives lost to abortion are deprived an opportunity to exercise their voice and a right to life.

Compared to Civil Rights Movements where people were able to stand up and be the voices for themselves, others must stand up and be the voices for these lives. There is a responsibility to protect all life.
      People travel far to share stories, to continue fighting a cause, to pray, and to march. Below is a video showing how far people come from to march and why they march.


  1. Thanks for mentioning the search for truth by both sides of this issue. I often see griping from people when protests are held for something against their beliefs. However, I truly believe in freedom of speech and the freedom to hold demonstrations regardless of belief. I greatly respect the March for Life because pro-life demonstrations are not seen nearly as much, at least in the media, as pro-choice demonstrations.

  2. I thought that the video that you posted reflected the ideas that you were trying to convey. Since these babies cannot defend themselves, it is our duty as Catholics to defend their lives because all life is sacred from conception to natural death. I also liked how you emphasized the peacefulness of the March for Life. While abortion is an important issue in the Catholic Church, we believe that a change can occur through nonviolent and non-hostile means. Furthermore, it is important for those who have directly experienced abortion to protest this act of violence by sharing their stories with the entire world in order to convince people considering abortion that this is a choice that they themselves deeply regret. Also, those people who chose not to get an abortion need to come forward to share the joy that their child has brought to their lives.

  3. I also think that the video was well chosen for your post. It was interesting hearing views expressed from people of various backgrounds--a women holding the hand of her daughter she had once considered aborting, a girl who was almost aborted, people who want to protect life, people who want to help those who cannot help themselves. I think lots of teenagers who get abortions are scared and many do not really realize that at three months, they would be aborting something that already has a head and limbs, that already looks very much like a baby. By having pro-life marches and other such things, we can help people become more away that abortion is not the only choice.

  4. The March for Life really does incite a lot of debate from both sides of the abortion struggle. I personally have gone to the March, and it is a truly moving experience. You are able to meet so many people who have stories that really change your perspective on how to respect of life. This day really helps people, like myself, who are on the fence of prolife and prochoice. This video really cultivates everything that the March for Life stands for.
