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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


           Gaudium et Spes examines culture in the world today saying, “circumstances of the life of modern man have been changed in their social and cultural aspects by the growth of natural, human, and social sciences, by technical progress, and advances in developing and organizing means whereby men can communicate with one another.” This progress and growth has advanced communication. Social media outlets have specifically changed the way people can communicate with one another. These outlets foster relationships and connection. Social media outlets can also be an important tool for traditional Catholic ministry. Social media outlets, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, can influence people to make decisions about the church. They have become a new way to spread God’s message, specifically to young generations.
Although social media outlets can help spread Christ’s word, traditional ministry should continue to be the main focus. Gaudium et Spes addresses, “how the expansion of a new culture is fostered without losing a living fidelity to the heritage of tradition.” Social media is not a replacement for ministry. When a church uses social media as an outlet, they do so to spread a message. For example, Pope Francis did not create an Instagram account for a certain number of followers or likes. Instagram allows the Pope to reveal teachings in ways he couldn’t before.
Instagram is not the only social media outlet used by Pope Francis or the church to spread God’s word. So, why has Pope Francis launched social media accounts, such as Twitter and Instagram, and what attracts so many people to him on social media? Catholic News Agency’s Alan Holdren discusses peoples interest and desire to hear from the Pope. People are interested to hear from the Pope and see what he is doing. Just as the Catholic News Agency can reach a new demographic through social media to spread the gospel, the Holy Father is also doing the same.

1 comment:

  1. The Church often tries its best to read and scrutinize the “signs of the times”, one of these signs is the changing and advancing technology prevalent in modernity, that ought to be utilized properly by the Church. As you say, social media provides first and foremost access, but the Church needs to do more than merely providing access, The Church needs to use the connectivity that social media provides as a way to invite others into the Church.
