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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sex and Culture

Because of the pill, sex no longer has the same consequences as it once did. Sex outside of marriage is easier and more convenient than ever before. This video talks about the economics of sex and the effects it has had on marriage rates, but what does this mean for our culture?

It means that our culture prizes freedom without consequences. The pill was created so that sex could be separated from its natural consequence, pregnancy. Perhaps, premarital sex is an emblem of personal autonomy. It is liberation from (now antiquated) societal norms, which in the past had limited a person’s sexual freedom. What has this done to society? 

Sex is the bedrock of marriage and the family, and when it has been perverted into something casual and for pleasure then the family suffers. Gadium et Spes calls the family “the primary mother and nurse of this education,” which is the “proper forms of human culture” (61). The family is the foundation of society, and therefore should be protected and preserved.

This perversion of sex not only affects the family, but it also affects the individual. Gaudium et Spes insists upon our responsibility to have “an understanding of the whole human person” (61). Casual sex is an affront to our human dignity. It reduces our personhood to our bodies, and our bodies to objects of use and pleasure. Our culture prizes the personal freedom to do what we want, but we must draw the line when our human dignity is violated. We must ask ourselves, where are we headed? Where will this perversion of sex lead us?


  1. Marisa, you take a pragmatic approach to the relationship of sex and the dignity of a person, and then add in the role of the Church and God to write a well-written and thoughtful piece on sex, culture, and religion! Casual sex, as you said, really does diminish the dignity of human’s, in that the nonchalance of such a special act values one for their body, not their mind, personality, or virtues.

  2. Your approach to this issue was quite interesting. I liked how you tied in the video to Gaudium et Spes and the concept of human dignity. It is true that America is a culture known for wanting freedom without consequences; but America is also known for being very pragmatic so I thought the video had a very fitting tone for discussing the problem of sex and marriage rates in the US. Even though the video did not speak much about family, I am glad that your post talked about the importance of sex and marriage for families.

  3. In a time where everyone prizes quick and simple choices, sex has been changed by the birth control definitely. It is easy to forget that sex to have children is in marriage vows and given to us by God. It is now viewed more causally as a random act. It's interesting (and very true!) that if we use sex in this way we are not holding onto our human dignity. God gave it to us for a reason and we are choosing to use it differently.

  4. I really liked the perspective that your video took on sex in the modern world. While it clearly took a religious standpoint on premarital sex, I think that it was very easy to relate to for people of this generation. Its comparison to business and economics was very fitting. I also agree with your statement on freedom without consequences, which the use of contraception exemplifies.
